May 24, 2024 | 0 COMMENTS

Summer is just days away which means it's time for back to back festivals, concerts and outdoor raves now that the weather is nice again. Gemini is a very social sign which rules a time of year that most people associate with having more social experiences. LGBTQ+ Pride is smack dab in the middle of Gemini season, making it a time of celebration and joy that radiates around the world.

Gemini placements are very social creatures. If u have prominent Gemini placements in your birth chart ur probably a social butterfly, and u love fluttering around a festival to make new friends and experience as much as u can. On the other hand, u probably have a very intimate side too. A lot of people think Gemini placements are two-faced, but the truth is that u just have two major sides to your personality that each come out at different times.

Gemini girlies are probably equally focused on comfort and fashion. U need something that will get u around the festival but it also has to be compliment-worthy. U have amazing style and even though we've got fits for days that would bring out the best in ur Gemini razzle dazzle but ur probably going to mix & match to make something even more fab than we could ever imagine.

Here are my top picks for u, Gemini. If u don't have this air sign in ur big 3, though, don't worry. I'll be posting a new guide each month so keep an eye out for next month when I go over you rave babes with Cancer in ur sun, moon, and rising.

Gemini Sun

While people might question if they rly know u at times, absolutely no one is questioning whether ur a true Gemini, babe. Ravers with Gemini in their sun sign are the life of the party, but good luck keeping track of u because ur also probably missing. U march to the beat of ur own drum and u don't need to wait for a group to explore something new. Ur style is kind of all over the place, but it always comes together in a way that is truly authentic to who u are—u know what ur doing.

Everyone around u wants to get closer to u because ur magnetic, but that might mean that u feel like most people don't truly know u. That can be tough, but u always have the dance floor to work out ur problems on. Here are my top picks for u, Gemini sun, inspired by my favorite Gemini rave babe, Mika:

Happy Hour Carnival Outfit

Happy Haven Outfit

Rolita Couture x iHR Floral Frenzy Punk Princess Outfit


Gemini Moon

With the social Gemini representing ur inner personality, Gemini moon, ur probably a little less outwardly social than those with Gemini in their sun. U definitely have the restlessness of Gemini and ur always off learning or doing something new, but u might be more of a researcher than a teacher. Ur probably the one checking out every single set at a festival because u get bored easily and need to keep moving, and u love learning weird facts about the band or DJ onstage in the Wikipedia hole u get into later on.

Here are my top picks for u, Gemini Moon: 

Heaven's Dust Outfit 

Acid Storm Outfit

Gemini Rising

U want to do it all, Gemini Rising. U probably have a desire to check out everything there is at the festival, which can feel overwhelming at a place like EDC or Coachella where there is so much to do and only so much time to do it. U thrive in social situations but sometimes u can get overwhelmed, so learn to recognize when to take a break to recharge.

Ur style is probably all over the place just because u always want to try new things, but just like your sun and moon counterparts, it's always authentic to who u are. Here are my top picks for u, Gemini rising:

Butterfly Realm Glow In The Dark Outfit

Rainbow Reflective Daisy Outfit

Happy Days Daisy Outfit


Not sure where your sun, moon and rising are in your chart? Check out this website that can give you everything you need to know.

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